On September 6, 2013 the White House released an Interagency Federal Working Group Report on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence against Women and Girls, & Gender-Related Health Disparities > Download PDF. This landmark report provides national care and funding recommendations in order to address gender-related health disparities affecting women and girls living with HIV. Notably, the report endorses the development and implementation of a Trauma-Informed Primary Care model in regards to HIV care for women.
Strategy Meeting: Trauma-Informed Primary Care for U.S. Women Living with HIV
On August 22 and 23, 2013, WHP convened a strategy meeting including 23 of the nation’s leading experts on trauma from academia, government, and advocacy organizations to strategize about implementing a new system of trauma informed primary care for US women living with HIV.
The goals of the meeting were to:
- Identify the core components of trauma-informed primary care for women living with HIV;
- Clarify the types of evidence-based tools and interventions to realize these core components;
- Explore research, advocacy, funding and communications strategies to facilitate the operationalization of trauma-informed primary care for HIV-positive women in the U.S.
The meeting was very successful with three forthcoming publications in a prominent national journal describing steps forward to implement this new model of care.
>Executive Summary – Strategy Meeting on Trauma-Informed Care for Women Living with HIV
WHP Director Key Presenter to the Presidential Working Group at the White House
WHP Director Dr. Edward Machtinger was a key presenter to the Presidential Working Group on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence Against Women and Gender-related Health Disparities at the White House on Friday, November 16, 2012.
logo_WhiteHousePresident Obama convened a working group consisting of representatives from each federal agency to address the intersection of violence against women and HIV. The working group solicited presentations from key leaders in the field at a White House meeting hosted by Lynn Rosenthal, White House Advisor on Violence against Women and Grant Colfax, Co-Chair and Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy. Dr. Machtinger’s presentation was entitled “Integrating a Response to Gender-Based Violence into the Care of HIV-Positive Women: Our New Mandate?”. The recommendations made by Dr. Machtinger were strongly highlighted in the working group’s report, which was released in September 2013.
WHP Establishes Formal Partnership with Positive Women’s Network-USA
WHP and Positive Women’s Network-USA (PWN-USA), the largest membership and advocacy group of HIV-positive women in the United States, have established a formal partnership to realize a new model of trauma informed primary care for US women living with HIV. This partnership is exciting for many reasons because PWN-USA has wide ranging influence, insight and credibility that will ensure that the new model of primary care is truly patient-centered and successful. PWN-USA is among the most effective advocacy organizations in the country. Its work is truly inspired, effective, and grounded in the inherent wisdom of its members.