WHP is an innovative program, utilizing a holistic model of care that involves a coordinated and cohesive team of professionals. WHP values a team approach because we realize that all aspects of a woman’s life must be addressed for her to be healthy and powerful.
Emmy Naranjo-Cabatic
Program and Grants Coordinator
Jennifer Cocohoba, PharmD
Michelle Cohen, NP, MPH
Medical Provider
Sarah Hay
Family Wellness Coordinator
Kristine Kwok, LCSW
Medical Social Worker
Rosalind de Lisser, PhD-C, FNP, PMHNP
Psychiatric Provider
Al Paschke, RN
Clinic Manager
Erika Perez, MATC, CCDS, MS
Substance use counselor
Lealah Pollock, MD
Medical Provider
Janeen Rojas, NP
Medical Provider
Dominika Seidman, MD
Obstetrician and gynecologist
Chelsea Stoklas, LCSW
Medical Social Worker
Staff Not Pictured
Glaiza De Alva, MA
Pavel Gadzinovsky, MA
Geinny Martinez, MA
Nora Mathias, RN, Clinic Nurse
Juelz Rafael, Pharm Tech